Sick And Tired Of Your Day Job – Let me coach u on Group Homes

13 Mar 2022 by ">Admin
Sick And Tired Of Your Day Job – Let me coach u on Group Homes

Many of you are waking up today realizing that YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT YOU DO FOR WORK!

This is understandable. I was once in your exact same shoes…

-Waking up DAILY to an alarm clock
– Always in a rush to “get to work on time” (and then forgetting things as a result)
-Wasting time driving through traffic to work
-Eating “junk food” at the local quickie-mart (making me feel even worse)
– Arriving home at 5,6 or 7PM realizing I had nothing in the refrigerator because I was broke after paying my FICA,FUTA,SUTA and payroll taxes (only taking home 50% of my gross pay)

But I knew there was a MUCH better way…so I started researching GROUP HOMES

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At the time, there was no GOLD COURSE or 1-ON-1 COACHING

In fact, I didn’t even have the opportunity to generate social worker placement leads from a lead generation website at the time!

Fortunately, I figured it out! In fact, my first group home paid me consistently $4,000 per month which was enough for me to QUIT MY JOB!

That $4,000 per month income stream from my GROUP HOME was FREEDOM DAY for me!

The best part?

  1. I did not need a license
  2. I did not need any experience
  3. I didn’t need much capital ($500 for furniture and washer/dryers)
  4. I began getting GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED PAYMENTS that I could rely on!
  5. My tax bill went down substantially! No longer was 50% of my paycheck going to taxes…I kept 100% of it and then at end of year paid my share after all my expenses!

If you feel tired, scared or anxious about your job…it is time to review the GROUP HOME RICHES GOLD COURSE!

Our website development system can begin brining in leads for you and can be set up in less than 1 week. Once you can feel and SEE the demand…you will not look back. Freedom is only a few weeks away!

But maybe you don’t feel 110% confident to do it on your own….no problem. That is where our step-by-step, personalized and custom 1-On-1 Coaching comes into play….remember, Kobe did and so did Michael!

Why? We want to see you succeed! We are here to help.

If you are sick of waking up early, always being in a rush, not having enough money in your bank account to do the things you want…then either GET THE GOLD COURSE and WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM or set up a free coaching call now!

CLICK HERE to book a free coaching call today!!

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