Tesla, Bitcoin, Or Group Homes?

2 Apr 2021 by ">Admin
Tesla, Bitcoin, Or Group Homes?

This Is The Answer To The Question You Have All Been Waiting For!

On our One-on-One Coaching calls, Brandon and I have received this question no less than 20 times in the last month!

“Andy, I love helping people. In fact, my heart pushes me daily to help those that need it most. But I often wonder if I could help more people by investing in Tesla or Bitcoin first and then using that money to help others. What do you think?”

The 10-PART COURSE and our website development system are the equivalent of teaching a man to fish versus giving the man a fish. Similarly, when we are asked the above question, we ask the CLIENT to make a list of the pros and the cons and then get back to us. Here is what it usually looks like:
Group Homes

Once the client puts a “Pros Vs. Cons”  list together, the answer is clear!

Look, I am not here to tell you to NOT invest in Tesla or Bitcoin…But what I will tell you is that investing in yourself and your education is the best return on investment you will ever make!

Additionally, think about the personal growth potential inside of you! Investing in yourself will eventually enable you to become the person you want to be in 2021….at that point, take your 10-PART COURSE income and go ahead and speculate on Tesla and Bitcoin! If it goes to zero – you lose nothing!

So today, take the time to really think about investing in yourself.

If you have questions holding you back, connect with us and we’ll help you understand what you need to know about Group Homes.

Otherwise, take the plunge – invest in yourself

and get a website to start generating leads today!

Get Started Now