This lady needs an affordable place to live! Why? Because she can no longer afford her apartment and miscellaneous costs which average over $2,000 per month.


Start The Group Home Journey With Why

Simon Sinek has a wonderful book and Ted Talk on the importance of starting with why. This topic is extremely relevant when it comes to running a successful Group Home Business. You probably have a clear idea of what you want to do with your business, and you are on our site learning how, but the piece that is often forgotten is the “why”. We want to make sure that your why is front and center.

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If You Can’t Get Passed Rejection Quit Now

No one goes on to succeed without first passing through strong rejection. No one is exempted to this rule. You have a dream of starting a group home. You can picture all the people you are helping and all of the money you are making but do you understand what it takes to get there? Do you know that nothing great comes easy? Well, it is time you fight for what you want. The reason why few people create the life they want is because they stop fighting. They stop putting in the work because someone told them no. Anyone who decides to start a group home runs into this issue.

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Do You Want to Survive Life or Thrive in Life?

Does this sound familiar?

Friday comes and you are excited because it is payday. In the same way, you get paid and all of your money goes towards your bills. Meanwhile, you only have a little bit of money left over. However, it is not enough to make the impact you want to make in your life. Thus, this is a really crappy place to be and we have to climb out of this dark place.

The reason I love helping people start their group homes is because the extra money gets you out of this nasty bill paying cycle. Moreover, some people live their entire life just getting by and I don’t want it to be you. I don’t want you to just hope and talk but I want you to commit, learn and get better.

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The No Nonsense Approach To Building Wealth

The problem with money is that our society often thinks of it all wrong. It is hard to learn the truth because we often learn from our parents and they learn from their parents, and the school system has no interest in helping us learn about money either. Moreover, everyone around us is selling an idea about money that rich people simply don’t follow. Wealth is built on an entirely different set of rules than what society typically follows.

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The Beautiful Result of Learning More

I can already see some of you now just cringing over the title. You grew up hating school, I get it and you know what I did too. But I realized that school was often not giving me practical knowledge or teach me in a way best suited for me. The same may be true for you but you can’t let it take away your curiosity and your love for learning. Otherwise, If you don’t believe me look at any young child! As a matter of fact, they all love to learn and imitate others. Then we get older and we feel that with age we no longer have to learn. Moreover, we wonder why we don’t see the change in our lives. Kids change constantly because they are always learning more. You stay the same because you refuse to learn more. Consequently, we are going to change this today! After watching this video you will no longer just wish you were in our course, or just ponder the idea but you will jump in head over heels because you understand that successful people “LEARN MORE” than the average person.

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How To Meet Bankers and Investors

The beauty of the assisted living, transition home, care home and group home business (whatever you want to call it) is that it takes a “MINIMAL AMOUNT” of capital to get started. As a matter of fact, we have been doing this for years. In particular, teaching, training and consulting others on this business model as well. Moreover, as you should know by now you can simply go out and rent or lease a home and turn it into a care home. YOU DO NOT NEED TO OWN THE REAL ESTATE.

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Want a Video Tour of Our Group Homes? Watch This!

The group home business is not a fancy one. A lot of people make the mistake of spending too much money to furnish their homes. Forgetting the fact that many people living in group homes are coming from tough situations. Furthermore, they don’t need fancy plush carpets or stainless steel appliances. What they need is food and a roof over their head. The question is when are you going to get serious about helping these people? There is nothing stopping you from operating a home just like the one in this video. The tour is meant to break down how easy this can be. We can have you moving forward with your first group home in no time.

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