Are You Making These 3 Common Mistakes When Starting a Group Home Business?
Starting a Group Home Business..or any business for that matter…isn’t always easy. There are so many things to think about and decisions to make!
This is HUGE. Marketing is going to be the life-blood of your business and many newer members do not realize how BIG you need to go with your marketing. We get a lot of members who have their first home and only get a couple tenants. The reason? They have ONE…maybe TWO referral sources…and sit back and rely on that one social worker or organization to send them clients. Don’t do this if you want to fill up and scale quickly. GO BIG. We recommend using the email marketing tutorial in my FREE 10 PART COURSE (CLICK HERE), build a database of AT LEAST a couple hundred contacts, and continuously market until you have as much tenants as you want.
We have a lot of members come to us with grandiose plans of buying an apartment complex and converting it to a large scale Group Home offering top of the line medical care, or partnering with local government programs and non-profits to completely end homelessness in their community with a large building and free resources….etc. etc. These are all WONDERFUL ideas but let’s be realistic! Have you ever flipped a home? Do you have construction experience? No? …. then you’re going to have an extremely tough time rehabbing and converting a large property! Do you have a lawyer that will help you with paperwork? Do you have political connections?? How bout a track record of successful Group Homes that you’ve previously owned? No?? … then you’re going to have an extremely tough time getting a Grant!
My FREE 10 PART COURSE (CLICK HERE) will show you how to start with as little as $1500 – $2500 or how to find a partner if you have NO MONEY (this is the PERFECT partnership opportunity for Real Estate investors) and be running at full capacity in 30 – 60 days! Having big goals are AWESOME…but without a plan they are just words! My FREE 10 PART COURSE (CLICK HERE) will give you the plan along with actionable steps you can take RIGHT NOW to have your first home running much sooner than you probably thought.
You don’t need to learn and know EVERYTHING all at once. There is a TON of material in my FREE 10 PART COURSE (CLICK HERE) and you should continuously educate yourself. But education is an ongoing journey, not a destination! Once you come up with a game plan and know who you want to market to: START! It’s a really simple concept….find a home, get it set up, market to organizations and people that serve your clientele, fill the home and manage! Don’t make it harder than it needs to be.
Think about your current job or hobby..or really anything like that in your learn as you go along right? Can you imagine if you waited until you knew EVERYTHING about your current job before ever starting?? You’d never start…and never get a check! Unfortunately, this is what MANY people do when starting a business and this will hold them back for years when they could have realistically had a home filled with tenants in the first 30 – 60 days if they just GOT STARTED.
We all make mistakes. Andy made a TON of them when starting out that cost him THOUSANDS…in fact, there is a whole section dedicated to this in my FREE 10 PART COURSE (CLICK HERE). The key is to learn from them! You can do this the hard way by learning from YOUR mistakes…or the easy way by learning from others. The choice is yours!